This is a story growing in place ...
The story of Dumpling Woman and her sisters
A medicine story
By Yvonne Mokihana Calizar

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wake-up call

The rough tongue was palpable. Dumpling squeezed one eye tight, then the other, then both. Trying to hold to Dream time doesn't work when it's over. Even from the other-side her Familiar was a potent force.

"Alright already! I'm up." Still horizontal Dumpling ran her hand across her cheek where the cat's tongue had licked. Wet. Tears seeped from their ducts, mingling with Spirit's wake-up call. Here and there, the two braided. Peeking through the eyelets covering her bedroom window Dumpling could smell the mud. A low tide and the Crows congregating were indeed a ruckus bunch.

The scones were cool when she opened the pouch. The small toaster oven would heat one within a few minutes, time enough to boil the kettle for some peppermint tea. With her Thermos mug filled, a tea bag dangling by a string the round woman slipped back into her boots.

"You know they'll want some, or all, of that scone," the cat watched as her favorite human slid the warm pastry back into the carrier and the second one onto a plate.

"One for us, and I'll keep the other for me later." To keep one hand free Dumpling slid the draw-string into a large safety pin and fastened it to her pocket. Boots on, she opened the door, reached for her walking stick and headed for the Horsetail-lined trail to the beach. Spirit led the way. It had always been her job.

The trail was steep, but well-tended with a stout hand-rail on one side. Blackberries were already coming ripe. Early for this time of year, but then the Seasons were changing in response to the Climate Change that was unmitigated. "Wonder what it's gonna be like come Fall?" Asking out loud, Spirit was quiet in respond. She couldn't predict the future but was undisturbed with being part of Dumpling's yet to come.

Four Crows, three adults and a yearling were busy pulling Muscles off shore rocks lining run-off of freshwater rivulets. "Cat!" It was one of the adults.

"That one won't eat you," the voice of a scarred male made it clear he knew the difference between a feline in the flesh versus one in spirit. "But watch your feathers, they like to steal them just for the fun of it!" The youngster wasn't having any sort of cat, and flew to a nearby Alder leaning from the slough of sandy bank.

This muliwai this transitional place between land and waters made all beings common. That is, the language used was understood by humans and nonhumans alike. Dumpling was gifted this home. The rent was minimal, affordable by any standard and the reciprocity? She tended. She attended. She gave thanks. She had the belly for all manner of digestion.

"I hear you have something for me," Dumpling addressed the Scarred One. She set the Thermos on a large Uncle of Stone and opened the safety pin, freeing the pouch. "Lemon-ginger made this morning." She replaced the Thermos with chunks of scone and stepped away. The Crows flew to her offering, the youngster swooped to join the others. They left the last piece for the woman.

"Thank you," Dumpling said smiling as she delighted in the taste of the superb flaky morsel. With a sip of the hot peppermint to wash it down she hummmmmed.

"Your friend, the Blonde one is about to make a very bold move. We've been watching, tracking her. She's not farmer, and what she's considering takes fertile ground." Crows can be very cryptic if you're not facile with their metaphors. Dumpling clarified.

"You're saying Linda M is about to start farming, and where she's headed might not be fertile?" It was a question and Crows like questions.

"I'm saying, your friend is heading to new territory and she doesn't have the right seeds for planting." Around the young Crow's neck hung a sack. Dumpling hadn't noticed it before. It was small and only a shade lighter than the shiny black feathers that are Crow. The Scarred One nodded to the sack carrying youngster. With nimble beak the sack slide off her neck and onto the Uncle of Stone.

"Take this with you when you two are on your picnic. After dessert your friend should have this. She's not to open it while you're with her, but she must open and use what's in the sack within the next cycle of the Moon."

"What to do with it?" Dumpling wondered whether her friend would need instructions.

"The contents will not need instructions. But. She will need to have ears that hear. That's where you come in. You with your ears close to the ground!" The Scarred One was chortling now that the gifting was done.

"Thank you for the superb scone. You are a generous one. We like that about you," The flap of wings fanned Dumpling better than a cool breeze. Spirit Cat blinked. They were done here, and that was that.

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